A COMPLETE SERVICE - From enquiry handling through to test, inspection & dispatch.. all done in-house!
Customer Confidence Through Testing
PG Latham & Co Ltd are fully equipped with testing facilities that are specially designed to proof load test any load bearing components of lifting equipment such as Fork Arms, Fork Carriages, Materials Handling Attachments and driver protection systems such as Cabs and Overhead Guards.
This enables us to exert a high level of quality control over work carried out for our customers.
PG Latham & Co Ltd conducts all of its services in-house and do not have to rely on sub-contractors.
This enables us to remain flexible by adapting our engineering services to changing customer requirements.
Reduce Downtime & Increase Efficiency
The engineering services offered at PG Latham & Co Ltd will often relieve pressure on our customer’s field service engineers allowing them to increase their maintenance contract efficiency, reduce equipment down time and meet their client’s needs more effectively.
With over 50 years of expertise in providing a complete engineering service to the materials handling industry, PG Latham & Co Ltd has developed an extensive range of lifting equipment engineering solutions that are unrivalled across the industry.